Edusode Trailer

Introduction To Edusodes

Footnote for Educators, Leaders & Students:

Why engage with the Desmond Doss Edusodes™?

These Edusodes are relevant today, especially for young people to admire these character traits, and through education make “point of decision” actions to adopt these traits and values into their own lives.

Here are several ways to get involved*:

  • A Formal Classroom Setting – where a teacher will “go deeper” into the Desmond Doss POD Experience – you will be invited to explore your points of decision with each Edusode. Get a “battle buddy” and get ready for an exciting interactive experience!
  • A Study Group with Your Friends – meet and discuss the questions posed by the Edusode Instructor, Dick Stenbakken, Ed. D | Chaplin (Colonel) U.S. Army (Ret.)
  • Personally Visit – the DDF website and surf thorough the Edusodes at your own pace,

* For extra credit, ask your teacher if you can turn in your Points-of-Decision (POD’s) responses to the Interactive Questionnaire at the end of the Edusodes.

As with Edusode 1 – Courage, each Edusode is accompanied by a series of questions that can be discussed in a classroom or group setting where the questions posed enables those in attendance to share their thoughts regarding each Edusode and its impact on their life. Other settings can be special venues where the teacher/professor, instructor, or leader (weekend retreats etc.) will invite the attendees to explore their Points-of-Decision for each character value presented: Whichever way you choose to experience the Edusodes we believe you will be inspired to live a life of greater fulfillment.

The Desmond Doss Foundation exists because of the incredible heroism displayed by our namesake, Medal of Honor recipient Desmond T. Doss, whose character values are the basis for all we do. In fulfilling Desmond’s dream of inspiring young people to live a positive character driven life, we have produced educational “Edusodes” aimed specifically at young people, leaders, and emerging leaders while at the same time supporting causes for Veterans and 1st Responders, who put their lives on the line every day to protect us. To this end we are committed to carrying forward Desmond’s legacy for generations to come.

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Desmond Doss Edusodes

Donate to “Desmond Doss Edusodes™”

All donations are deeply appreciated and are used to foster the following initiatives: Youth Character Development Education, Grants and Scholarships to individuals that advance the foundation‘s values, Affiliations and support of organizations having similar missions and goals, Support of Veterans & First Responders, 3rd Desmond Doss Memorial Golf Tournament, Establishment of a Desmond Doss Cochlear Implant Center – (in planning)

Edusode #1:

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Desmond displays courage by restraint when ridiculed and bullied, displaying incredible heroism on the battlefield, that makes impact on Smitty his new friend, followed by Desmond’s point of decision to go back into the battlefield while the entire company is retreating.

Edusode #2:

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Desmond’s childhood where in a fight with his brother who he almost kills, his conviction of never killing takes firm hold, later evidenced in the face of possible court martial during his combat training when he refused to carry a gun.

Edusode #3:

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Desmond, being country smart, overcomes a sinister plot by superior officers to expel him from the army. Through patience and respectful demeanor, he is vindicated, allowing him to continue his military training as an army medic without any restrictions.

Edusode #4:

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Desmond’s trait of humility makes his actions impactful on his future wife Dorothy as well as those he comes in contact with before, during and after the war. This character trait served to magnify his gestures of love, acts of care and courage.

Edusode #5:

Desmond’s instinctive ability to focus solely on saving lives disregarding all thought of self-concern is powerfully shown in this segment.

Edusode #6:

7 February 2025

One of Desmond’s contemporary soldiers said: “Any man who’s willing to go into war – without a weapon – he’s gonna have to have faith.”  V.L. Starling, Radio Operator
Desmond Doss demonstrates his faith on the impossibly brutal battlefield as he repeatedly ran into the grenades, explosions, mortar blasts, and unceasing rifle fire. His energy seemed to gain, not ebb, as he expressed his prayer and faith, saying over and over again, “Lord, help me get one more.” Faith was Desmond’s driving and enduring force, known and respected by his men, even if they had no personal faith.
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Edusode #7:

25 March 2025

Patriotism  Storyboards & Transcript in Development